Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why Right-Wing Watch ?

Why Right-Wing Watch ?

We here at Right-Wing Watch have been watching with alarm the growth of numerous racists and extremists groups in the United States. We feels that as the GOP and other political groups fall sway to the messages of the hard core right-wing and their allies in the racist movement that something needs to be done.

Hopefully Right-Wing Watch will be able to provide that something. Through posting of articles drawing the connections to various right-wing groups,gangs and people we will be able to alert and inform the public at large.

Rightwing activity happening in your area ? not sure what to do,send us the info, we here at Right-Wing Watch may be able to help !

Right-Wing Watch works with many organizations and people in the progressive movement. We will be posting many of their thoughts, news and articles on how they are successfully combating the growth of right wing gangs and groups.

Right-Wing Watch looks forward to ideas and input.

email us at or better yet leave us a comment.

Thanks for visiting us - Right-Wing Watch

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