Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Alabama Pol Removes Confederate Flags, Firestorm Ensues

Seems some folks in Right-wing get their panties in a knot when challenging their racism and right wing views.
May 4, 2009
From Auburn,Alabama:
Bishop Dowdell, an elected member of the Auburn, Ala., City Council and its only black member, was picking up his daughter from Auburn Junior High School. Located near the Auburn JR high is the local cemetery. When Bishop Dowdell look across the cemetery instead of grave markers he stunned by the number of Confederate flags waving among the dead.

Instead of ignoring this blatant display of hate - Bishop Dowdell decide to do something... he removed the flags of hate. Instead of being treated as a hero - the Right-Wing and their allies in Auburn went on the attack.

Telling the local newspaper Bishop Dowdell stated “To me, it [the Confederate battle flag] represents the Ku Klux Klan and racism.” With in hours after the local paper reported on Bishop Dowdell actions and words the the extremists.

Led by the local branch of the neo confederate gang the Southern Legal Resource Center swung into attack mode - demanding that Bishop Dowdell resign from city council. But apparently having the upscale right-winger attack Bishop Dowdell wasn't enough, Hal Turner a under employed loser with a microphone and Internet radio connection from NJ started faxing threat to Auburn city council.

Claiming he(Turner) was going to send gangs of racist terrorists to Auburn to protest Bishop Dowdell. The Bishop has refused to bend "I don’t care who they send, I’ll be there".

for more on this story go here :

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