Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reagan, Jr. Goes Off On Limbaugh

You have to love it when people like Rush Limbaugh get told off! This, according to John Aravosis had us suffering from side-splitting paroxysms of laughter:


Apparently, Limbaugh has been on quite a tear for a while, mocking the way Nancy Pelosi looks. Recently he said that Pelosi was shaking from "botox withdrawal," and back in January Limbaugh said he could keep the birth rate down by putting pictures of Pelosi in every hotel room. So Ronald Reagan, Jr. struck back. Via Slog:

"Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think he's compensating for something? Now, I wouldn't pick on him for any of this stuff, not his blubbiness, not his man-boobs, not his inability to have a natural erection—none of that stuff—to me, off limits until! until! Mr. Limbaugh, you turn that sort of gun on somebody else—once you start doing that, you're fair game, fat boy.

Absolutely, you jiggly pile of mess. You're just fair game, and you're going to get it, too."

Again, putting the sheer comedy of this aside, having Reagan's son enter the fray to attack Limbaugh, which will only incite Limbaugh more, keeps the Republican story line on one of our three favorite Republicans, Limbaugh, Cheney and Gingrich. America can't stand any of the three. So the more the story keeps on them, the more Americans spurn the GOP.

Monday, May 18, 2009

'Traditional Morality' Being Threatened?

Coral Ridge Ministries is a dominionist theology based group with reactionary leanings and a very troubling track record. After the death of its leader, James Kennedy, it pretty much appeared that the organization would fade into oblivion. Unfortunately, it seems it might be making a comeback.


Ministry: 'Hate Crimes' Law Will Fuel Hostility Toward Traditional Morality

Coral Ridge Ministries will be airing a special report Sunday on the growing hostility toward traditional marriage advocates and how a proposed "hate crime" law will only inspire more abuse by homosexual activists.

Sun, May. 17, 2009 Posted: 09:45 AM EDT


Coral Ridge Ministries will be airing a special report Sunday on the growing hostility toward traditional marriage advocates and how a proposed "hate crime" law will only inspire more abuse by homosexual activists.

“Over the past few years there have been aggressive attempts to drive Christianity from the public square – everything from removing the cross at Mt. Soledad, the veterans’ cemetery in San Diego, to removing Ten Commandments monuments all across the U.S.,” says Robert Knight, Coral Ridge’s Washington correspondent, who appears in Sunday’s Coral Ridge Hour program.

“Now the people who are promoting this secular humanist agenda are on the verge of victory with the passage of a federal hate crimes bill,” he continues. “This is what they’ve wanted all along because it will recast traditional morality, particularly Christian morality, as a form of hate speech – actionable by the federal government.”

Earlier this month, the Senate introduced the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act, just as the House passed its version of the expanded Hate Crimes bill by a 249-175 vote.

The legislation is intended by its sponsors to protect homosexuals and transgendered people from violent hate crimes by expanding a list of federally protected groups to include sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability. But critics say Christian broadcasters and even pastors covering culturally unpopular views, such as preaching homosexuality as sin, could eventually face prosecution just for expressing their religious views because their teachings could be blamed for inciting violence.

"Bottom line is we think that the bill under this language, while it's touted as something as designed to crack down on violence and hate-inspired crime, in fact can be used to prosecute non-violent crimes," NRB senior vice president and general counsel Craig Parshall told The Christian Post. "The bill has a chilling effect on the right of communicators to articulate and preach the full counsel of God."

Although the Senate version contains provisions that appear to protect constitutional speech and free expression, Parshall contended they are just "nice political banter" for debate that are not substantial protection for free speech.

Coral Ridge’s Knight, meanwhile, said the hate crimes bill “poses perhaps the greatest challenge to the freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly that this nation has ever seen within our border.”

Should Congress pass a “hate crimes” law, "homosexual activists will be emboldened to recast any public expression of traditional morality as a form of 'hatred' people need to take action against,” he added.

On Sunday’s Coral Ridge broadcast, the ministry will highlight some of the events that took place last year after California voters passed Proposition 8, a constitutional ballot initiative that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

After Prop. 8 was passed, there were many incidents of vandalism to churches as well as physical attacks against Christians.

"Cars with 'Yes on 8' stickers were vandalized, their tires punctured, their windshields broken . . . and an elderly couple with a 'Yes on 8' sign in their front yard was physically assaulted . . . [the woman] actually punched in the face," notes Dr. Gary Cass, president of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, on the broadcast.

"Can you imagine what these people would endure if there were 'hate crime' laws at the federal level?" Knight asks.

Coral Ridge has also made note of the backlash against Miss California Carrie Prejean, who was vilified for defending marriage during the Miss USA competition last month.

“On April 19, on that stage, I exercised my freedom of speech, and I was punished for doing so,” said Prejean this past week during a press conference. “This should not happen in America. It undermines the constitutional rights for which my grandfather fought for.”

Preceding Sunday’s special will be the rebroadcast of a sermon preached by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge, on “The War Against Christianity.”

In the sermon, Kennedy addressed the culture war in the United States and the reasons why ridicule of Christians as intolerant bigots is the norm today.

On the Web:
TV station listings and times at The Coral Ridge Hour station log.

Eric Young
Christian Post Reporter

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who Else Does God Speak To?

God works in mysterious ways, and speaks to really strange people. It looks like the GOP has a special inroad to the realm of the All Mighty. George W. Bush claimed that God spoke to him. Michele Bachman claims that God speaks to her. But, Joe the Plumber having a direct line?

Joe the Plumber calls gays 'queer'
Wed May 6, 11:52 pm ET

NEW YORK – Samuel Wurzelbacher, the Ohio man hailed as "Joe the Plumber" by Republican John McCain's presidential campaign last year, said he believes gays are "queer" and said he won't allow them near his children.

Nevertheless, Wurzelbacher said the decision about whether to allow same-sex couples to marry should be left to states.

"People don't understand the dictionary — it's called queer," Wurzelbacher told Christianity Today in an interview published this week. "Queer means strange and unusual. It's not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do — what man and woman are for."

He added, "I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing."

Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national gay rights organization based in Washington, dismissed Wurzelbacher's comments.

"It would matter if Joe the Plumber mattered," Solmonese said. "One thing among many things we learned in the 2008 campaign is that he doesn't."

Wurzelbacher, regarded as a folk hero to many conservatives after challenging then-Democratic nominee Barack Obama about his tax policies, said neither political party was sufficiently Christian.

"They use God as a punch line," Wurzelbacher said of Republicans. "They use God to invoke sympathy or invoke righteousness, but they don't stay the course."

Wurzelbacher said he considered McCain's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, one of the GOP's emerging stars. But he said the party would have a difficult time recasting its image to appeal to younger voters.

"You got the RNC talking about repackaging principles and values to make them hip and cool to the younger generation," Wurzelbacher said. "You can't repackage them. They are what they are. You can't make what they are."

Since the election, Wurzelbacher has spoken at conservative rallies around the country and traveled to Israel as a rookie reporter to cover the Gaza conflict.

Wurzelbacher told the magazine he might consider running for office someday.

"Not right now," Wurzelbacher said. "God hasn't said, 'Joe, I want you to run.' I feel (it's) more important to just encourage people to get involved, one way or another. If I can inspire some leaders, that would be great."

Why Is AZ Sherrif Joe Arpaio Talking to Neo Nazis ?
Is it because he might be one ?

Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio loves being the tough guy - making prisoners dress in pink - spouting off how tough he is - how he takes on left wing groups and so forth. Over the years Sheriff Joe has been called many things, one of the names thrown at him down through the years was "he is a Nazi" and more often than not people just wrote it off as name calling by the "enemies of good old sheriff Joe".

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so we here at Right Wing Watch are wondering what words Sheriff Joe has to say now that he has been exposed as having neo Nazi connections.

Check out the story, pictures and video of Sheriff Joe speaking with and having his picture taken with two well known neo Nazis at a recent rally. We want to thank our friends at One People Project for bringing us this story and exposing Sheriff Joe for what he is .... a fascist.

Rest of Story here at One Peoples Project

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pat Buchanan: White Men Face the Same Discrimination That "Black Folks" Faced "For Years"

Well I guess its good to see that Pat Buchanan has finally agreed with the rest of America that Black are/where discriminated against. But ol Pat couldn't let it go with that.

Apparently Pat is listening to his Richard Wagner music again for he claims that Whites are being discriminated against. When not sieg heiling between commercials, Buchanan states that Whites are being treated badly... why they are being treated like Black folks.

Ahhh Pat, when White folks are enslaved for being White maybe I will listen;
When Whites are lynched for being White maybe I will listen;
When White are lock away in gulags (prisons) in large numbers for committing crimes while being "White" maybe I will listen, until then Pat you should go back to reading "Mein Kampf" and leave the rest of us alone as we work to make America for all people, not just those who speak German.

Freaking with Freepers

Years ago Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show did a song called Freaking at the Freakers Ball. Dr. Hook sang about going to a party and being surrounded by Freaks.

Well seems like the GOP has their own party of Freaks on the Internet better known as FreeRepublic or Freepers for short. got it's start as a website devoted to hating Bill Clinton they have evolved to hating Obama and the rest of America.

When visiting the Freeper website one is overwhelmed by the flag waving and right-wing BS being spread there under the guise of we "love America".

Freerepublic is a place for the newbie to the right wing scene - there the newly found patriot can join in name calling and finger pointing at everyone to the left of the prevailing Freeper ideas of what America should look and be like.

The one thing about the Freepers is they mask their racism in good old American values of US vr THEM, sometime they do it with grace often times they do it with venom and code words.

Don't like Mexicans ? no problem the Freepers are guarding the borders and white girls maidenhood, think gun control has gone to far ? no problem the Freepers would gladly shoot you and do it with a smile. Think the Confederate flag is a racist symbol that should be placed in mothballs - not so the Freepers, they love the flag of rebellion and hate.

Oh did we mention the name calling ? hiding behind their computer screens and donating money to right wing causes, the Freepers of Freerepublic spend most of their time calling people names and offering solutions from the 18th century to today problems.

The Freepers are really a catch basin for the sewer that flows from right-wing talkshow hosts such as Sean Hannity, Mike Savage and the Valhalla Queen Ann Coulter.

When the Freepers arn't begging for a return to "good old American values" they are begging for money much like another Internet purveyor of hate and rebellion... Hal Turner.

So if you should be invited to a Freeper Freak Fest you should wear your flag lapel pin and walk around with greenbacks to give and guns at the ready... or they just might hate the name of God,the GOP and America.


Well, lets see, we had John McCain who had Sarah Palin, and who could forget Sarah and her airheaded ineptitude? Now, it seems Ron Paul, that quirky little right-wing, racist, who really isn't, but he hangs out with them anyway, also has a best friend forever. This article found in Gawker takes a look at the "...newer, crazier face" of the Republican Party:


Every so often a bunch of Congressional Republicans gather at the feet of their most politically radical peer to discuss policy. Our two favorite Representatives are involved!

Yes, Ron Paul, the simple country doctor Libertarian congressman who thinks we should use 1812-era letters of marque to fight the pirate menace, is the new new new new new face of the Republican party, and he is tutoring its even newer, crazier face, Michele Bachmann.

Which explains why Michele asked Tim Geithner that insane question about where exactly in the Constitution it says the Federal Reserve is allowed to exist...MORE


LOL - this is rich... seems a man with racists ideas, who aspires to be a leader in the racist movement and it's allies in the Constitution Party is upset because his application to join the Constitution Party was rejected.

What makes this story interesting is that the Constitution Party in Idaho is lead by a Black man. Seems that white racist lawyer and log time right wing activist Ed Steele wants to use the Constitution Party of Idaho as a way of gaining political power.

The Constitution Party of Idaho is led by a Black man named Paul Venable. Mr. Venable sent back ED Steele application with the word REJECTED stamped on it. We here at Right-wing Watch couldn't agree more ... Ed Steele is a reject !

Right-wing Watch applauds the actions of MR Venable and hope other state chapters of the Constitution Party follow suit and start "REJECTING" the misfits of the racist right.

And you thought racism was a "southern thing"

For years now we have been led by the mass media and polititions to believe that racism existed only in the south. You know it's a "southern thing". Well apparently racism has moved north - check out this story from One Peoples Project.

"Seriously, they could have made it a little less obvious, but when someone gets killed in a fight and the people that killed him only gets convicted of simple assault, it is clear what happened.
It appears that not only has our old friend "Nully" - as in Jury Nullification - made an appearence, but has taken up residence in the town of Shenadoah, Pennsylvania. That was where five white teens attacked and beat 23-year-old Luis Ramirez, killing him.

The racism that followed was more than obvious, from the anti-immigration group Voice of the People's rally in August that brought out Keystone State "Skinheads", to rhetoric that demonized the victim and blamed him for getting himself killed.
rest of story here

16 Candles Blown out in the UK

Ok, so that isn't really the headline but according to recent news and Internet posting 16 US extremists are not allowed in merry old England.

One of the 16 listed is Far-right US talkshow host Mike Savage, Savage is a well known blowhard who uses the airwaves to preach hate against Muslims, Gays and anyone else he doesn't like.

Savage claims he is going to sue the UK for defamation of character if he had one. well good luck with that Mike. For a list of the 16 Least Wanted People in UK go here

Alabama Pol Removes Confederate Flags, Firestorm Ensues

Seems some folks in Right-wing get their panties in a knot when challenging their racism and right wing views.
May 4, 2009
From Auburn,Alabama:
Bishop Dowdell, an elected member of the Auburn, Ala., City Council and its only black member, was picking up his daughter from Auburn Junior High School. Located near the Auburn JR high is the local cemetery. When Bishop Dowdell look across the cemetery instead of grave markers he stunned by the number of Confederate flags waving among the dead.

Instead of ignoring this blatant display of hate - Bishop Dowdell decide to do something... he removed the flags of hate. Instead of being treated as a hero - the Right-Wing and their allies in Auburn went on the attack.

Telling the local newspaper Bishop Dowdell stated “To me, it [the Confederate battle flag] represents the Ku Klux Klan and racism.” With in hours after the local paper reported on Bishop Dowdell actions and words the the extremists.

Led by the local branch of the neo confederate gang the Southern Legal Resource Center swung into attack mode - demanding that Bishop Dowdell resign from city council. But apparently having the upscale right-winger attack Bishop Dowdell wasn't enough, Hal Turner a under employed loser with a microphone and Internet radio connection from NJ started faxing threat to Auburn city council.

Claiming he(Turner) was going to send gangs of racist terrorists to Auburn to protest Bishop Dowdell. The Bishop has refused to bend "I don’t care who they send, I’ll be there".

for more on this story go here :

Why Right-Wing Watch ?

Why Right-Wing Watch ?

We here at Right-Wing Watch have been watching with alarm the growth of numerous racists and extremists groups in the United States. We feels that as the GOP and other political groups fall sway to the messages of the hard core right-wing and their allies in the racist movement that something needs to be done.

Hopefully Right-Wing Watch will be able to provide that something. Through posting of articles drawing the connections to various right-wing groups,gangs and people we will be able to alert and inform the public at large.

Rightwing activity happening in your area ? not sure what to do,send us the info, we here at Right-Wing Watch may be able to help !

Right-Wing Watch works with many organizations and people in the progressive movement. We will be posting many of their thoughts, news and articles on how they are successfully combating the growth of right wing gangs and groups.

Right-Wing Watch looks forward to ideas and input.

email us at or better yet leave us a comment.

Thanks for visiting us - Right-Wing Watch

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome to Right-Wing Watch

Greetings - Welcome to Right-Wing Watch, the name says it all - we watch the growing threat of the extreme right wing in the U.S.

From Nazis, the KKK to the inner soul of the Republican party.

We will be publishing our first series of articles May 6, 2009 - Hope you enjoy the fireworks.

Right-Wing Watch