Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Freaking with Freepers

Years ago Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show did a song called Freaking at the Freakers Ball. Dr. Hook sang about going to a party and being surrounded by Freaks.

Well seems like the GOP has their own party of Freaks on the Internet better known as FreeRepublic or Freepers for short. got it's start as a website devoted to hating Bill Clinton they have evolved to hating Obama and the rest of America.

When visiting the Freeper website one is overwhelmed by the flag waving and right-wing BS being spread there under the guise of we "love America".

Freerepublic is a place for the newbie to the right wing scene - there the newly found patriot can join in name calling and finger pointing at everyone to the left of the prevailing Freeper ideas of what America should look and be like.

The one thing about the Freepers is they mask their racism in good old American values of US vr THEM, sometime they do it with grace often times they do it with venom and code words.

Don't like Mexicans ? no problem the Freepers are guarding the borders and white girls maidenhood, think gun control has gone to far ? no problem the Freepers would gladly shoot you and do it with a smile. Think the Confederate flag is a racist symbol that should be placed in mothballs - not so the Freepers, they love the flag of rebellion and hate.

Oh did we mention the name calling ? hiding behind their computer screens and donating money to right wing causes, the Freepers of Freerepublic spend most of their time calling people names and offering solutions from the 18th century to today problems.

The Freepers are really a catch basin for the sewer that flows from right-wing talkshow hosts such as Sean Hannity, Mike Savage and the Valhalla Queen Ann Coulter.

When the Freepers arn't begging for a return to "good old American values" they are begging for money much like another Internet purveyor of hate and rebellion... Hal Turner.

So if you should be invited to a Freeper Freak Fest you should wear your flag lapel pin and walk around with greenbacks to give and guns at the ready... or they just might hate the name of God,the GOP and America.

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